Me, elsewhere
- Drividot Nicot: my friend's hamdsome and multiglamorous Duskwight; she gave me the idea for this site in the first place!
Coding resources
- Neocities: My webhost. Thanks for fulfilling my nostalgic desire for the character shrines of eld.
- Mozilla web development learning: A good starting point for learning HTML and coding your own website!
- W3Schools: A good resource for learning how to do specific things once you have the basics down.
- GNU Image Manipulation Program: aka GIMP. A pretty good open-source image editor that I used to edit all the images on this website.
- Lightbox: Use someone else's code for lightboxes instead of writing your own.
- CSS Flexbox Layouts Flexboxes were VERY USEFUL for revamping the site and I recommend checking out these tutorials.